[Our] approach is to empower, not to prescribe.

[We're] not interested in telling you which habits you should build or which choices you should make.
You know what works for your life and circumstances better than [we] ever could.

Instead, [we] want to equip and empower you with ideas and strategies so you can make your own choices and do the things you want to do.

[We'll] give you the hammer, you decide where to drive the nail. -James Clear

The Program

We will work with you to make your life better in 28 days. And It’s free!

Step 1, Register and select a personal goal 
Step 2, Take a quick 25 question quiz as a baseline. There’s only success here, so just be honest. 
Step 3, Each day, answer 8 simple Yes/No Questions. 
Step 4, After 4 weeks, we’ll show you the marked improvement! 

The Professor

Dr. Craig Becker, PhD, CWP has devoted his life's work, over 30 years of research, studying and proving how integrating simple, positive habits throughout your day can make dramatic changes.